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Chater Junior School

Keeping Our Children Safe

At Chater Junior School, we do everything we can to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of all of our children is our highest priority.

In order to do this, a wide range of measures are put in place:

• All staff appointed to work in our school have a criminal records search called a DBS check.

• Most of our staff receive regular First Aid training and there are a number of first aid kits in school.

• We have strict procedures for the collection of children. No child will be allowed to leave school with an adult not named on the data collection sheet or with any young person under the age of 14.  The data collection sheet is updated annually or on request.

• If a child’s attendance or punctuality causes concern, the school may work closely with the Local Authority’s attendance officer.

• We have designated Child Protection/Safeguarding staff as well as a detailed Child Protection Policy, which is reviewed annually and is available to view on our website. Our Designated Senior Safeguarding lead is Mrs Rajneet Khindey, Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Emma Finnegan, Deputy Headteacher  and Mrs Aisha Tomlinson Assistant Headteacher for Inclusion. 

• All Staff and Governors have appropriate Child Protection/Safeguarding training, which is updated at least every three years.

• Children are encouraged to use the internet, but at all times in a safe way. Pupils are never left unattended whilst online.

• We have high expectations for good behaviour.  Our Behaviour Policy shows our strong emphasis on positive approaches, but also our clear boundaries in responding to behaviour choices that threaten the learning, wellbeing or safety of others.

• We do not tolerate bullying in our school community, and as soon as we are aware of an issue we act promptly and effectively.

• We have a clear Whistleblowing policy and if members of staff have any concerns about people working within the school, paid or unpaid, they have a professional duty to inform the Headteacher or Governing body accordingly.

• Our Health and Safety policy is reviewed annually by our staff and Governors and is available to view on our website.