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Chater Junior School

Home Learning

We value our partnership working with you and the learning experiences that you provide your children. Your children work extremely hard at school, and we are keen to ensure that the home learning set actively contributes to their learning, while allowing them time to play, spend time with their families and to take part in extra-curricular activities.

We feel it is important for children to be set some home learning that gives them opportunities to practise and consolidate the learning that has taken place at school.

In order for pupils to make good progress daily and weekly home learning tasks will be given. These tasks will ensure that your child is able to gain the most out of their learning at school.

Year 3 
  • Daily reading and sharing stories. An adult at home to complete the reading record to show that reading has been heard.
  • Weekly Spelling Shed activities online.
  • Weekly Times Tables Rock stars online: Multiplication tables (learn x2, x5, x10, x 3, x4, x8 by the end of Year 3).
Year 4 
  • Daily reading and sharing stories. An adult at home to complete the reading record to show that reading has been heard.
  • Weekly Spelling Shed activities online
  • Weekly Times Tables Rock stars online: Multiplication tables (learn up to x12 by the end of Year 4).
Year 5 
  • Daily reading and sharing stories. An adult at home to complete the reading record to show that reading has been heard.
  • Weekly Spelling Shed activities online.
  • Weekly Times Tables Rock stars online (revise all times tables).
Year 6 
  • Regular reading and sharing books
  • Weekly Spelling Shed activities online
  • Weekly Times Tables Rock stars online (revise all times tables).
  • Preparation for SATS and secondary school – Mathematics, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and comprehension tasks in Spring and Summer Term.

Home Learning Menus

We set half- termly Home Learning menus for each year group. There is no obligation for these tasks to be completed. If pupils choose to complete some of the activities from the Home Learning menu these will need to be uploaded via SEE SAW by the end of each half term. Activities that are completed will be celebrated in school.

Home Learning Menus will be shared on our school website in the class page section and via SEE SAW at the beginning of each half term.