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Chater Junior School

Finding the voice of our most important people!

The views of the children are one of our KEY indicators when evaluating the effectiveness of our approaches in school. The children are very proud of THEIR school, and they are keen to share their views on how we can improve.

School Council

Eileen 3C, Kainaat 3Y, Gisele 4A, Eesa 4G, Almirah 5P, Adham A 5W,

Yunus 6C  & Humodh 6R.

The main aim of the School Council is to help to make our school a better place for the children and to give the children an opportunity to have their opinions and ideas heard. Each class has one representative who is selected every year. The school council usually meet about once a month with Mrs Finnegan or Mrs Khindey to talk about a range of issues. School councillors are given the opportunity to feedback initiatives and gather pupil voice via surveys. 

Year 6 Prefects

Muhammad, Charl, Fatoumata, Aamina, Senudi, Amelyia, Iqra, Humodh, Rayan, Alex, Anaya & Hania.

 Year 6 Prefects are responsible for supporting staff and pupils during break and lunchtimes and whole school events.  They act as role models to the younger pupils.

Eco Warriors 

Adalyn 3C, Tawassul 3Y, Sreeya 4A, William 4G, Diyon 5P, Mahaansh 5W,

Adyan 6C & Isaam 6R

 Each class has an Eco-Warrior who has been voted for by their peers. Our Eco-Warriors are committed to making positive environmental changes around our school, and meet Miss Copas to discuss how and measure the progress. 

OPAL & Sports Leaders 

 Julia 3C, Taskeen 3Y, Saad 4A, Abdul 4G, Affan 5P, Yasmin 5W,

 Abeera 6C & Muhammad Ayaan 6R.

The OPAL & Sports leaders will monitor and test OPAL equipment, help report pupil voice to the OPAL team, be role models on the playground, help to organise and assist in events such as Sports Day,  and give opinions on what they would like our PE and sport provision to offer in the future.